Sunday, May 12, 2019

Introduction to Information Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Introduction to Information Systems - Essay ExampleHowever, the misfortune of losing significant telephone line selective tuition is enormous, and the likelihood of getting significant information for the right people at the right time is short. In addition, implementing a handicraft information placement that is capable to incorporate on hand information framework or championship traditional working gateway is a intriguing job (Dow Jones & Company., 2011), (Laudon & Laudon, 1999) and (Moga & Turner, 2011). This report presents a comprehensive analysis of the new information technology based system application at the organisation Tacks Company Limited (BTC Ltd). This report will analyze some strand aspects those atomic number 18 involved in the overall information based system application at this corporation. Brass Tacks Company Ltd. is presently operational through the traditional/ cover-based approach. However, seeing the benefits of information systems, its top managem ent has opinionated to establish a new byplay platform that can better handle and manage the business operations. BUSINESS OVERVIEW The business structure of Brass Tacks Company Limited is based on selling the room access furniture like that brass plates, letter boxes, knockers and knobs to the public. The business was initiated as a small business set-up and straightaway it has been evolved to a vast business arrangement. In this way the business is able to increase sales as well as customer market. In case of traditional business practice of the business that is cosmos performed through the paper based procedures, business is facing a lot of problems. Thus, seeing the improvement in business setup administration needs to implement the new technology based arrangement. This report covers the analysis of aspects which take place during the implementation of this IT system. PROBLEM AREAS Currently, at Brass Tacks Company Limited, people use paper based approach to perform everyda y tasks. In such business practice there is alarming need for improving or replacing the traditional business practice with IT based procedure. In this business practice the main and biggest problem is the lack of management control over business. In this scenario, the main problems those are coming out include complex management of business aspects, long searching time, data replication, and tangled business operational cycle and tough management of processing daily orders regarding customer. NEED FOR NEW entropy SYSTEM AT BTC At the present, all the businesses regardless of their size and nature are relying on the information technology for their sustained survival. Obviously there are extensive effects on the traditional business practice through the new technology based business working. However, by using business information system, organizations are able to produce information subjects for the whole business to follow, in addition to the matters for particular business sect ors or people working inside the business (Hutchings, 1996), (Dow Jones & Company., 2011) and (Turban et al., 2005). The implementation of business information system at Brass Tacks Company Limited will improve the overall business functioning and operations management. In addition, with the implementatio

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